Joining St Philip's

Before proceeding to an assessment, all candidates must be registered via the Registrar, Mrs Fiona Kaye, and pay a non-refundable registration fee of £180 (£240 if overseas).​
Must I or my son be Catholic to register and join St Philips?
Our Catholic values are at the heart of all we do, and are attractive to those of a strong Catholic faith, other faiths, and no faith at all. We have a rich heritage of welcoming applications from all families who commit to support the values of the school and the traditions and ideals of the Catholic Church. While the majority of our families are Catholic, a significant proportion are not; all have found a welcoming home.
Special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
St Philip’s will act in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) will not be put at a substantial disadvantage in matters of admission and the School will take reasonable measures to support a child with physical difficulties and, where possible, make adjustments for accessibility.
Parents of boys who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are required to inform the school about these at registration and to provide the relevant reports. For all years of entry, the school requires that all historic and current documentation, including educational psychologist reports, relevant medical documentation and school reports, is submitted to the Registrar before boys participate in the admissions process. If it becomes apparent that relevant information was withheld from the school before participation in the admissions process, it reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place.
In turn, the Registrar will also liaise with our learning support staff to assess whether the school is able to meet a boy’s needs and, if so, will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made within the school’s capacity and