Timeless Values
St Philip’s is a small Catholic school. It is well-known for creating an atmosphere that is warm, welcoming and supportive, and we aim for every pupil to feel a valued member of the school community and to have a sense of being personally cared for by our teaching staff. Having experienced this, we hope that he is inspired to respond to others in a similar fashion.
We seek to create a spirit of goodness and industry that does not fear failure. We have high expectations of our pupils and we believe that they thrive when challenged, provided that they feel secure and confident.
Family matters
​We understand that parents are the primary educators of children, and place traditional family values at the centre of our ethos. We are clear that schools play a vital part in the development of children - socially, physically, and intellectually - and take seriously our role in supporting parents to help their sons evolve into well-rounded characters who will go onto make positive contributions to the world around them.